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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Shine Whitening Professional Teeth Whitening Kit

I was so excited to review this product! I drink coffee daily and also drink carbonated soda which are bad for your teeth and they do stain them and make them dingy. I have looked into getting my teeth whitened by my dentist but they charge over $300.00 at his office and with a family of 5 thats to much to just hand out! When the Shine Whitening Kit arrived it was over the moon! Who wouldn't want a bright smile? I ripped open the package to find it came with 2 mouth trays, one for upper and one for lower. It also had 2 5cc Syringes with the whiting gel and a chart to check where your tooth color is now and then again when your done with your whole process. It has very detailed directions also which i found really nice. When i got it i also tried the gel on my front teeth for about 5 minutes and it felt like i saw a change imimeatily. On my first real application i left it on for 10 minutes, i have sensitive teeth and it didn't hurt them what so ever!! Since using once I'm loving my results and can't wait to see my outcome! I know you also will love the results, this is really something i will be buying at least 2x a year! Here is some info from the site: 

  • Removes years worth of stains for a white smile in just a few treatments. Same dental-grade formula used by thousands of dentists across the US and Europe. Far more effective than other whitening options as this customized solution comes with trays that perfectly mold to your mouth, ensuring whitening exactly where you want it.
  • Advanced ingredients to deliver dentist grade results, the same technique you'll find at the dentist, but from the comfort and convenience of your home. Used by hundreds of dentists and whitening kiosks around the country, but customized for easy-to-use at home application.
  • Use once a day for 5-15 minutes for best results, begin with shorter treatments to gauge teeth sensitivity. You can also cut the trays to match your gum line, as well as apply the solution directly to your teeth with a Q-tip to maximize coverage over your teeth in your visible smile area.
  • Includes mouth tray made of dental-grade impression material that mold to your teeth using heat. Simply place the mold in hot water for a few seconds then mold the trays around your teeth for a custom-fit tray at the fraction of the cost you'd expect at the dental office.
  • Professional grade whitening gel effectively whitens teeth. Recommended usage detailed in the instructions allows for those with sensitive teeth to use the treatment for less time while still effectively whitening your teeth for beautiful results. Designed to fit around your schedule, you can use this treatment as necessary to whiten your teeth. Unlike other professional treatments, you do not have to use it on consecutive days to see results, many people experience whitening after the first attempt.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. I only recommend products I use personally and recommend.

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